If you count when the baby was in my belly, the baby has already traveled to Spain, San Francisco, Hawaii, Boston, and Michigan. Pretty crazy! She'll be a world traveler!
For our last hurrah or "babymoon" as they call it, we decided to take a weekend trip to Austin and Houston.
Baby's been great and has not caused me any morning sickness, major food aversions, or disrupted my taste buds. This means that I can enjoy most foods and it means that our Austin/Houston trip was filled with a lot of food activities.
We started the weekend off with Round Rock donuts. We've blogged about these donuts in the past, and could not pass them up on our trip to Austin. We then headed to the heart of Austin to participate in a food tour. I had bought some Groupon coupons for an Austin food tour, so we paid $30 each for a tour that normally cost $65! (We have a lot of pictures from the food tour, so that will be a separate post).
Morning bun. This or a cross between a crossaint and cinnamon roll baked in a muffin tin.
Tamago Yoko-Hybrid okonomiyaki
We then drove to Houston. We've always heard that Houston has the best Asian food. Equipped with a list of good restaurants from friends, we ate shave ice and Chinese food.

We then ended the trip by checking out the NASA Space Center (we had to do something non-food related).
Then drove to the Blue Bell Factory in Brenham, TX. Mike and I have always talked about going on this tour, but have never been able to time the trip. People recommend that since Houston is hot and humid for most a huge portion of the year, it's best to visit the city between October and May. The Blue Bell tour is not offered on the weekends and on holidays, so we could never time our trip for three-day weekends.
Congratulations on expecting!! I'm so happy for you two!!
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