Monday, January 31, 2011

Update~Farewell Lamby

Currently nursing one of my eyes. Had corrective surgery done on my eyes last Friday, so I have been limiting my computer use.  I was able to get LASIK done on one eye, but had to have the PRK procedure done on my left eye. My left eye will take a little bit more time to heal, so until then I will not be blogging.
Here's a story for you...
I was drugged up on sleeping pills and pain killers and was going through a lot of kleenex.  I like soft things (sweaters, blankets, stuffed animals) and was hugging on to my stuffed lamb while sleeping.  Well, somehow my stuffed lamb fell off my bed and into the trash can.  My trash can was overflowing and without thinking I emptied it out. Mike wonders why I took the time to empty my trash can while drugged up. I made him baby me all weekend, yet I decided that I was capable of emptying the trash. I think Lamby's white fur blended in with the kleenex and now I cannot find him anywhere in my bedroom.

Bye bye Lamby. It's been a good 3-4 years.  Mike looked up this Ty beanine baby (his real name is "Bashfully") and he is retired and now costs $35-58!  I told Mike that a new one will not replace my old Lamby.  Poor poor Lamby.  


  1. He sure was a cutie. So sorry that he's gone.


  2. Thanks everyone. I know it's silly to write about a stuffed lamb. But he was still very soft and comforting to hold on to in my sleep.
