Saturday, January 22, 2011

Camden Market

Whew! This is the last post from Mike and my trip to London and Paris.  One of the places that we checked out in London was the Camden Market. Camden Market is a market filled with shops, food stalls, and music.

There are multiple sections of the Camden Market that are filled with food stalls.  There was Chinese, Mexican, Thai, Morrocan, Indian, and other types of cuisines.  After a while all the food stalls started blending together and I started tuning out all the cries of, "You want to sample chicken?"
Anyhoo, Mike was hungry, so we randomly selected one of the Chinese food booths and ordered a Chinese plate. I felt bad about eating Chinese food in London, but we were immersing ourselves in the culture of Camden Market. 


  1. Sounds like a fun place I would want to visit one day.

  2. This is on my list of places to visit! Thanks for sharing your visit there!

  3. Hello! What is the brown chicken called? Been looking for a name for years

  4. Hello! What is the brown chicken called? Been looking for a name for years

  5. Hello! What is the brown chicken called? Been looking for a name for years
