Monday, July 26, 2010

How my Mommy Taught me How to Cut a Pineapple

This is a long overdue post for Stephen, who enjoys pineapples just as much as I do.  This post will be viewed in a pictorial essay since I do not have time to write in detail about my pineapple cutting skills.  My mom taught me how to cut a pineapple with minimal waste and maximum edible portion. 
Cut off the crown and the bottom piece.

Slice off the skin. It's okay if the brown "eyes" are still in the pineapple flesh. 

Bevel cut out the eyes in a spiral direction (image on the right).
The cut pineapple. You can then cut the pineapple into rings, or cut it into spears or chunks.  It takes a lot more time (5 more minutes-which is double the time it would take to hack away and cut the pineapple), but look how much less waste you have.


  1. awesome tutorial! more people on cooking programs should learn from this.

  2. Kat-Thanks! I wonder if people would actually tune in to a cooking show demonstrating how to cut a pineapple. That would be neat!:)

  3. genkitummy - please thank your mom for me....once you pointed it out, it was obvious that the spiral cut saves so much of the fruit...yet another reason to love the internet :)
