Friday, July 16, 2010

Awesome Dinner at Sean's

This past weekend Mike and I attended a dinner party at our friend Sean's apartment.  After months of harassing Sean about his gourmet lunches, we finally were invited to "Sean's Restaurant." To sum up the evening, Mike dubbed the meal, "the best meal (he) ever ate in Texas." 
Thanks Sean, I guess I've never cooked Mike anything good. 
Here's a picture of the beautiful table setting. There were even cloth napkins in napkin rings.  Mike and I do not even own cloth napkins!
We started the night off with drinks and appetizers. 
This image is of my favorite dish of the night.  Let's just call it "shrimp and garlic yumminess."  This appetizer was composed of shrimp, garlic, olive oil  in a broth of spices.  So good! Mike compared this dish to an upscale version of Bubba Gump's Shrimpin Dippin Broth dish.  Sean emailed us the recipe this week so Mike and I will be eating this in the near future. 
The second appetizer of the night was grilled jalapenos stuffed with goat cheese, cream cheese, and spices.  Again, this was a delicious appetizer and Mike thoroughly enjoyed it.  
Here's a picture of Sean grilling the corn, veggies, steak and salmon. 
Look at that steak and salmon!

The salmon was grilled to perfection.  It was moist and the rub composed of mustard seeds, fennel, and other spices was superb!  On top of the salmon, Sean had grilled steak that had a delicious char to it.  We also had grilled asparagus, corn, and onions. 
Garlic Smashed potatoes.  This was a good side dish, but was overshined by all the other dishes. 

Cucumber and mint salad.  I didn't think that I was going to like this salad, but it paired well with the salmon dish. 

You might be thinking that I am gushing about the food because Sean's my friend. Believe me, if I didn't like the food, I'd mysteriously "lose" the images from the night and "forget" to blog about the dinner.
And for all of you gals in the Dallas area, not only can this guy cook, he's a nice single guy.  I don't think many people in Dallas read this blog, but if you're interested let me know.  :)  He might not speak to me for a few days after he reads this post, but maybe in a few weeks he'll talk to me again. 

***Darn my computer. I had finished posting about this night and then my computer did something funky and I lost the post.  The first post was much funnier, but it's lost somewhere in cyberspace. I also lost the dessert pictures somewhere.  The desserts we had were a key lime pie and a chocolate cherry cake.  Yum!***


  1. fun gathering and lots of good food!

  2. looks fantastic! i'd love the recipe of the shrimp, too. :) hope you're doing well! at least you're eating well! :)

  3. That garlic shrimp dish sounds so good!

  4. very nice. i'm glad you both enjoyed it. i might talk to you tomorrow...if you are lucky.

  5. everyone-yup it was a great night. and sean emailed me the recipe. I think mike and i will cook it for dinner in the next couple of weeks.
