Friday, April 3, 2009

It's great to be home!!!

Blog posts will be about HAWAII for the next few weeks! Why? Because that's where I am!! Woot woot!
I already went to Samurai Shave Ice for the Maui-Style guriguri, Kurukuru Sushi, Phuket Thai, Nisshido Mochi and I've only been here for two days. Got my hair cut at J Salon (which was awesome!), and have been going to banks to change my last name on my accounts.

Well, I'm off for a pampering no-stress "I'm on vacation day" filled of the beach, shopping, mani/pedi, massage, food (maybe Shimazu's shave ice like Alan suggested), and ending with seeing some friends at MaiTai's. And then tomorrow I'll be off wedding dress shopping with a friend! I checked out a dress with her yesterday and she and the dress looked soooo beautiful!
That's one of the negatives of living on the mainland. You miss out on a lot of big events in your friends lives. So I'm really glad that I'll be able to go dress shopping with her this week!


  1. i think i counted 11 exclamation points in the post, counting the title. Good to hear that Hawaii is doing you well. :)

  2. exciting, look forward to your foodie posts!

  3. hi laur! so glad you're having fun! ...guess i'm failing at my resolutions to keep up with friendships better -- i saw your recent post about your visit, but didn't realize that your trip would be so soon!
    sounds like you'll have a great time eating! tokkuri tei is really really good but it can get expensive. and if you're feeling nostalgic to return to stage with mike, they're offering a 50% off discount for the next couple of weeks. oh! and my friends swear by this little place on king street, little oven. (good blog about the place). i've just been there once, but it's yummy and definitely cute. :)

  4. i'm so jealous you're at home! have a great time!!

  5. Oh how exciting! I so wish I was there too. Eric and I are trying to figure out a way we can afford to go there in September for the reunion. Have lots of fun and get lots of sun! (with sunscreen on of course!)

  6. Enjoy your trip home! I was just at Shimazu - mmm so ono. Nothing better on a sunny day than shave ice.

    Alan from Makiki

  7. Glad to hear you are home and having fun! :)

  8. hey everyone! thanks for all the comments.
    erika-haha. yup hawaii's been great, i haven't had time to edit my papers yet. hope your panel is going well.
    thanks kat!
    shayna-hey! mike and i actually checked out the little oven last time i was back home. i agree, it's super cute and it smells yummy in there. i have to go back b/c i only tried the kanten.
    Audges-hey! I didn't know you have a blog (i looked at your profile). do you get to go back home to hawaii much?
    diana-i've been putting on A LOT of suncreen. hopefully you'll be able to attend our reunion. i'm trying to rearrange my schedule to make it back to Hawaii then too.
    alan-i've unsuccessfully tried to visit Shimazu's shave ice shop since I was here. 10:35am on sunday (they were supposed to open at 10:30am, but it was closed) and today (but it was my mistake b/c they are closed on mondays).

    Thanks Lori! I look forward to reading about your trip to Japan!
