Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! Mike and I spent Saturday coloring eggs and having easter egg hunts around his house. Did I mention that I love easter egg hunts? Anyways, here are the eggs we colored. Mike's mom is a "egg coloring purist" and likes to color her eggs solid colors. I, on the other hand, like to color my eggs using as many shades and colors as possible.


  1. so pretty! we used to use masking tape to dye them different shades and colors :) happy easter!

  2. Hey Lauren! Good that you are enjoying Hawaii! I wish you there was some way to bring me a hot malasada....mmm. Oh I got my TA offer...yay, its official!. I'll see you soon, I am going to make pulled pork I think sometime soon so we can all have it for lunch.

  3. Happy Easter to you, too! So pretty. (and a blogged congrats to Razzie)

  4. Fun! I didn't color eggs this year but I really enjoyed it last year and Eric blew the whites and yolks out so I could save them.
