Monday, November 17, 2008

Texas~Central Market

As Mike mentioned in a previous post, "Yes, I admit, I love visiting grocery stores." Kendell took me to a "Central Market" which she said falls between "Trader Joe's" and a "Whole Foods"/ "Fox and Obel" on the spectrum of upscale food stores. I love "Trader Joe's," I think the food from "Fox and Obel" is delicious, and have never shopped at a "Whole Foods" (ironically enough, I own some stock in Whole Foods). I saw these cute veggies and fruits on the sidewalk and coerced Kendell to take a picture of me next to the artichoke. See Kendell's beautiful photography? She angled it just right to capture the orange, artichoke, and apple.
"Central Market" is filled with beautiful produce. Yes, I sound like a food dork, but everything looks fresh and as cliche as it sounds "picked at its peak." I wanted to take pictures of all the produce, but I refrained myself. But ooohhh, loookee here,there are many varieties of tomatoes, an olive bar, and Hawaiian fish here (if you click on the picture, you can see that the price of fish is pretty steep) .
33 varieties of apples!

Freshly made tortillas

Kendell and our shopping bags

Ahhh! I'm in "grocery shopping bliss." I ended up purchasing some sourdough bread to take back to Mike, a french macaron, meyer lemons, bucatini (think spaghetti with holes), and hit cocoa sandwich cookies.


  1. That Central Market looks like the kind of place I'd also love exploring!

  2. Lori-Hi! I'm sure you'd enjoy shopping there!

  3. Looks lovely! I'd have to take me home some of those tortillas too, I think. Funny they sell Hawaiian fish there, but I've had so much trouble finding it here in Hawaii!!

  4. Michelle-I was surprised they sold Hawaiian fish there too. One of the fish cost $25.99/lb!
