Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cool presents (which we purchased or are in the process of purchasing)

Every year, Mike asks me what I want for Christmas. I admit, the boy does try, but I am quite difficult to shop for. Whenever I see something I want, I just buy it. This year we both agreed that we're just buying things that we want when we see them.

Here's the items that have caught my eye:

I'm debating whether I want this book or not. It's called "The Science of Good Food" and is supposed to be similar to Harold McGee's "On Food and Cooking" and include food science information about cooking processes. I requested this book from our school's library to check it out. If it's good, I'm going to ask for it for Christmas. I have too many Food Science textbooks, so if it's a crappy book, I do not want to add it to my collection since I'll be moving after I graduate.

Another item that I've been eying out is the IOGEAR Mobile Digital Scribe - GPEN200N. I have to look up the reviews for this item, but it's a digital pen that saves what you write in a USB receiver thing and uploads and transcribes your handwriting into a Word document. How cool is that? Pens like these have been out for a while, but the reasons why I am considering this pen are: 1)You do not need to purchase a specific pad of paper to write on; 2)You do not need to be near a computer to use it; 3)You can use generic ink refills; 4)The price dropped from ~$100-->$60.

This is what I was going to buy for Mike for Christmas, but he saw it online and bought it himself. Threadless is one of his new favorite stores. They have cute/witty shirts for reasonable prices. I think this will be his 7th shirt from Threadless. This is a great online store to purchase one-of-a-kind t-shirts. Well, these shirts are popular on college campuses, so you might see a lot of people wearing these kinds of shirts in college towns.

Frixion pens. I've seen the ballpoint pens out there, but I want the highlighters. These pens are uber-cool! Erika went to Japan this past summer and brought back this highlighter. You can highlight items, and then use this plastic(?) ball on the end of the pen to erase what you highlighted. Yes, it's a novelty pen, but if you know me, I love pens and post-its.

I just got a phone call from Mike and he thinks he broke my laptop. Apparently a cup of water was near the laptop and it fell on the keyboard. Luckily, I bought the Performance Plan, so I can get a replacement or else a new laptop would be on my Christmas list!


  1. I think I saw a similiar scribe gadget in an airline magazine(cool!)...hope you can get your laptop fixed!!

  2. Kat-Yeah, the scribe thing looks cool, but I am not sure if it's more of a novelty item or if it's really functional.
    Mike tried to dry out my laptop and it's currently working (for now). I quickly backed up some misc. files on my external hard drive just in case.

  3. Poor Mike, he must have felt awful!
    I love threadless. I've bought several shirts their for Eric and myself and everytime we wear them people ask where we got them.

    We've decided not to do presents this year because we already have more than we can fit in our apartment. Instead of gifts we do experiences. This Christmas we're going to takt the snow train (through snowy mountains) to the bavarian town of Leavenworth. I've wanted to do it since I visited there as a kid. So exciting!

  4. Diana-That sounds like fun! I'll suggest that to Mike. I think he'll like planning an "experience" more than trying to figure out what to buy.

  5. If you get that pen I'd also be interested in finding out how well it works. And I also love Japanese pens, mechanical pencils, etc. This past spring I came back with so many! :)

  6. Lori-Sure thing, if I purchase the pen, I'll let you know how it works!
    I'm glad to know others collect pens too. That's why I want to visit Japan one that I can buy pens and stationary and eat all the delicious food!
