Monday, January 9, 2012

Churros con Chocolate

Hi All! I've been feeling under the weather for the past couple of weeks, and haven't felt up to blog posting.  Then I had a laptop scare and thought a virus ate through my hard drive. :(  I'm continuing with the Spain posts...
Chocolate con Churros (Chocolate and Churros)
Look at that thick rich hot chocolate. Spanish hot chocolate tastes almost like warm chocolate pudding with less sugar. There is a lot more starch in this hot chocolate.  I don't know how someone could finish a whole cup on their own!
I guess we looked like tourists, so our chocolate and churros came with a packet of sugar.  We tasted the hot chocolate and then quickly added the whole packet.  If you notice, the churros also do not contain the familiar sprinkle of sugar either. It's more like a fried piece of dough.
This is the traditional way to eat churros and chocolate. You are supposed to dip the churros into the chocolate. 
Look at that churro! We saw this churro on the streets in Seville.
Mike wanted to stop and eat more churros. We were given a packet of  granulated sugar again. We both agreed that the hot chocolate was sweet enough for our liking, so Mike dumped the sugar packet on to the churros.
I think this was more of a touristy spot. This hot chocolate was similar in texture to the instant hot cocoa we are familiar with in the USA.