Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Barcelona, Spain~Taller de Tapas

We saw this restaurant when we were bar-hopping for pinchos and decided to try it out for dinner. It was really crowded during lunch time and the aromas coming out of the restaurant smelled delicious. 
Another good sign was that there were a lot of stickers on the tour. These stickers became our best guess on whether the restaurant would be good or not. It looked like this restaurant received a bunch of positive ratings. 

Clams in a garlic and wine sauce. Yum!
Bread-It was more like crackers
We ordered this bread to soak up all the wonderful flavors from the clams, shrimp, and sausage juices. 
Chorizo in Cider
The chorizo cooked in cider was one of Mike's favorite dishes throughout our whole trip in Spain.  Pretty much any dish containing chorizo, sausage, ham, etc was well received by Mike.  Mike liked it so much that he tried to replicate it back home.  It's a really simply dish-it's pretty much chorizo sausage, cider, onions, and some spices.
Gambas ajillo-Basically this is like shrimp scampi
I ordered this dish by mistake. I had wanted to order shrimp-gambas with a spicy sauce. But then got my Spanish words mixed up and ordered "ajillo"which means garlic. It was tasty, but I've had better shrimp scampi. 
Patatas Fritas-French Fries and mayonnaise
Yup, like typical Americans, we ordered Patatas Fritas a few times during our trip.  It's deep-fried potato wedges topped with a mayonnaise sauce.  I once ordered it by mistake with a bolognese sauce on it. 

Taller de Tapas
Placa Sant Josep Oriol 9
Barcelona, Spain

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