Thursday, December 22, 2011

My New Time Waster (but it's so fun!)

Have any of you heard of Pinterest? It's a really cool site that allows you to "pin" pictures (and links to websites, blogs, etc) onto organized boards. Then in a Facebook-esque way, your friends can see what you pin and you can "re-pin" or "like" these pictures.
One of my co-workers showed me it and I thought that it was kind of neat. Then I started spending hours online looking at all the creative foods and DIY people "pin." If you would like to look at my meagerly pinned boards, click here.

I wanted to use Pinterest as a virtual notebook of innovative items and food items I found online-kind of like an quick pictorial version of "bookmarking" websites that you enjoy.

Only downside is that you cannot "hide" your profile for only you to see, since the philosophy is to browse and share your interests with others. 

If you would like an invite to Pinterest, send your email address to me.  It's much faster if you are invited to join Pinterest versus requesting an invite on the main site.


  1. jst heard about it too. Bill made breadsticks and pizza snacks with recipes from that site. Pls invite us.

  2. I waste time there & on instagram too!

  3. I am loving Pinterest after being on for about a month and a half. Magnificent time waster!

  4. K&S oooo...Instagram and Pinterest! Yup.
    Heather-I'm glad that you agree!
