Friday, November 18, 2011

Homemade Caramels

If any of my co-workers read my blog, they are now realizing just how slowly I post on this blog.  Okay, I do not take a year to post, but it sure does feel like it. 

I made an assortment of caramels prior to the 2010 Christmas holidays, but look it's perfect timing as a holiday gift idea.
After Mike and I returned home from Paris in late November 2010, I was on a "salted caramel" kick. I loved Laduree's salted caramel macaron and had it on my mind. I bought fleur de sel (French salt flakes) and grey salt from France just to experiment with it at home. 
Look at the pretty caramel wrappers. I purchased food grade candy wrappers from  My mantra-wrappers and packaging make everything look pretty and more presentable.
I heated the sugar and water to caramelize it.  I heated the solution to 260F because I was afraid they would become to hard and glassy in texture. I should have actually cooked it to 310 F for a harder texture. 

Poured the mixture into a pan and let it solidify.
I also attempted to make chocolate caramels. The Flavor was similar to See's Candies Chocolate lollypops.
Most of the caramels that I made were a bit on the soft side.  If the caramels were refrigerated, they were the perfect texture after taking them out and letting them sit at room temperature for a few minutes. 

Hmmm....after blogging about this, I may make caramels again this year.  All though if I have time this year, I have my heart set on experimenting on some other creative concoctions.

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