Monday, November 14, 2011

Cucumber Kimchee

Every so often, Mike and I receive care packages from back home containing random food stuffs from Hawaii.  My mom seems to find these random new products that she's tried and then sends us some to try.  Last year, she sent this huge bottle of kim chee sauce to us and I haven't been able to make a dent in the bottle.
The katana on the bottle reads "Kim Chee" so I am not sure what company produces this base, but I think my mom picked it up from Marukai or Don Quixote back home.

I bought some Persian cucumbers and sliced them up for some quick cucumber kim chee. I haven't been able to find Japanese cucumbers in the Texas markets, but I have found these Persian cucumbers at Asian markets and they are similar to the Japanese cucumbers with small seeds. 
I do not like a lot of flavor on my kimchee, so I added only a little bit of sauce to the sliced cucumbers. I added more after I snapped this picture.  I then left the container in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and ate it with my dinner.
I think that this sauce produces pretty good kim chee. This is my extent of kim chee making. (Yes, I am part Korean and do not know the first thing about making kim chee). Mike is not a big fan of the flavor and said that there's a strong fishy taste to it.  I think it tastes pretty good for a "ready to use" (cheat) sauce and would purchase it for that quick Korean food fix.   

1 comment:

  1. the brand is Momoya. I like this brand and use it when I make Sam Choy's spicy poke :)
