Monday, October 31, 2011

Nutrition Educator

Let's a delve into my personal life for a little bit. I often debate on how much information to share on this blog. I would like it to be a warm and candid blog, but I wouldn't want someone knocking on my front door.  But then again, half of the people reading this blog either have met me, know my real name and phone number, or I call mom or dad. 
Well, today I will *gasp* be letting you through the outer most gates of my "Circle of Trust," and telling you about one of my endeavors.  The other month, I started volunteering with the North Texas Food Bank as a Nutrition Educator.  I partner up with a chef and he teaches the healthy cooking portion of the lesson. 
I enjoy teaching. I stress out about lesson planning and have an initial fear of public speaking (that can be seen by the sweat accumulating on my shirt), but I do get excited teaching Nutrition and Food Science concepts.  If I were a trust fund baby or happened to win the lottery (and basically did not have to work for the rest of my life), I would probably use my time volunteering to teach Nutrition, Healthy and Budget Cooking, or promote physical activity through free exercise classes. 

Just a brief recap of my first class; the participants were super excited to learn about Nutrition and healthy cooking. I jotted down some of the questions that they wanted answered and since I'll be emailing and explaining some of the answers in class, I figured I'd post the questions and answers on this blog. 
Oh my goodness, you guys are super duper lucky. I'm going to let you take another step into my "circle" and tell you more about myself and my education background. Just to let you know that I am quasi-legit to teach the course (no, I needed a bit more credentials than having a blog about food). I have a BS, MS, and PhD in fields related to Food Science and/or Nutrition, and have certificates in Culinary Arts and Patisserie from Kapiolani Community College. No I am not a dietitian or a Nutrition Counselor (I do not have those credentials), but I do enjoy keeping up-to-date on the subject matter and believe that people should live healthy lifestyles. 
So, stay tuned for more "legit" blog posts in the future...

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