Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Healthier Mac and Cheese???

I'm so grateful to have a husband like Mike. Even though work has been taking a toll on him, he's been picking up all the housework slack.  For the past couple of weeks, I have been spending countless hours at the office to gear up for some work travel next week.  I've been a bad wife and haven't cleaned the house, gone grocery shopping, washed the clothes, or cooked a decent dinner in a long time.
Lucky for me, I married a guy who can cook food that is actually edible (that's an understatement because he cooks tasty food).  A couple of weeks ago I bought a butternut squash from the market with grandiose plans to make a lowfat mac and cheese that I saw in a Food magazine.  I didn't write down the recipe, all I knew was that I was going to substitute some of the cream and cheese with butternut squash. 
Well, one night well I was at work pretty late, and Mike called me and told me that he was going to execute the mac and cheese dish for me.
I came home and this is what I saw:
I was pleasantly surprised with Mike's dish. I'm not sure what was in it besides the roasted butternut squash, mozzarella cheese, beef bouillon, and elbow macaroni.  But the dish had potential.   Plus to Mike's credit, he only used ingredients that were available in our kitchen. 

Mike and I were on the same page when we both critiqued the recipe and decided that for the next attempt, we will:
1)Incorporate sharp cheddar (we didn't have it in the fridge). The stronger cheese flavor will come out and using sharp cheddar will reduce the total amount of cheese that we will add
2)Use our immersion blender and blend the butternut squash/cheese mixtures to a puree, so that there will not be chunks of squash dispersed throughout the macaroni.


  1. Lucky for you Mike's mom did a fantastic job of raising him!!!

  2. Kat-The "mac and cheese" was good! I cannot wait to try the second iteration of the recipe. Then I'll post a recipe for people to follow.
    Anon-I'm guessing this is my mom posting this comment? Well if it is or isn't, yes, you are right. Mike's parents did a great job and I'm lucky I'm married to him!
