Thursday, September 1, 2011

New York City~Katz Delicatessen

I love vacations! Gone are the days of summer vacation, winter break, and spring break. Those are now distant memories. But if there is something I like even more, it's schedules, itineraries, and organized events.  Yeah, I probably have a minor case of OCD, but I like having a calendar and schedules for each day of a trip. 

Recently, due to Mike and my crazy schedules, we haven't had the time to plan out detailed itineraries.  We even have to sit down and make it a point to decide on where we would like to go, and make the necessary arrangements. 

We now each choose one place/event that we want to see during our trip. So far this method works for domestic travel, but does not work for international travel. We have used this technique for both our Las Vegas trip and New York trips and it has been quite successful. I'm slowly learning how to chillax and not stress out about the minor details.     
     For our New York trip, Mike chose to go to Katz Delicatessen, home of the famous pastrami sandwich.  I chose to see at least one musical. We ended up watching Mary Poppins and Avenue Q which were both great!

The trip was packed with adventure and we had a blast! We visited the Tenement Museum, walked across the Brooklyn Bridge (I swear I saw a guy that looked like Zachary Quinto while we were walking, but what are the chances of him being in New York then?), and did a lot of shopping and eating!

Katz's Delicatessen
Mike's pastrami sandwich.  He said that it was one of the best pastrami sandwiches he has eaten.  Mike doesn't like to use descriptors such as "best" or "number 1."  He's very diplomatic and would not say that this pastrami sandwich was the "best sandwich" he had ever eaten because it's difficult to compare a hamburger loaded with bacon to a pastrami sandwich.
Homemade pickles.
Look how crowded this restaurant was! We were there around 10:30-11am, it wasn't even prime lunch time yet!
Katz's Delicatessen has cute little signs hanging from the ceiling at various spot. "Where Harry met Sally"'s diner scene was filmed at Katz's.

After Mike ate his pastrami sandwich, he deemed our trip to New York a success and was fine if we did not do anything else on our trip.  I forgot to mention that we went to Katz's on the first full day of our 3.5 day trip to NYC. 

Katz Delicatessen
205 East Houston Street (corner of Ludlow St)
New York City, 10002


  1. Who is Zachary Quinto?

  2. I am really, really sad to have missed you.

  3. Zachary Quinto was the bad guy in a show called "Heroes." He was also Spock in the newest Star Trek movie.

    Chou-I'm so sad I missed you too! Mike and I wanted to go to Seattle and save NYC for another time, but then the tickets to Seattle skyrocketed and NYC was cheaper.
