Thursday, September 29, 2011

Green Goddess Dressing Attempt

Back during my culinary school days we spent a day or two learning about salads and salad dressings.  Stations were assigned to make different kinds of dressings and salads and I remember one group making a dressing called "Green Goddess Dressing,"  It was a tart, zesty beautiful green dressing and was the favorite dressing in class. 
I was skimming through a "Cooking Light" magazine and found a recipe for a lighter version of the dressing.
Garlic, Lemon, and Chives
All the ingredients in a blender.  Greek yogurt, light mayo, anchovies, tabasco.
Finished dressing
Boo. It didn't taste as good as I remember it. It probably has to do with the fact that the version I made was low fat and had a thin consistency.  I'll have to go hunt down the old recipe we used in class. 

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