Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Introducing Ranger Morkie!

Hi Everyone! My name is Ranger Morkie and I am Mike and Lauren's new puppy! I'm a yorkshire terrier and I am almost 5 months old.  Here's some pictures of me so you can see how cute I am.  I'm only 6 lbs, but I only look big because I'm fluffy.  I love people and I love when my tummy is rubbed.
I also love to pee!  I'm pretty sneaky about it too. It only took me 2 minutes to have my first accident in the house (#1 and 2!!!).  I spend my time trying to keep my mommy and daddy on their toes because I love them so much!

So, as you can tell from the pictures.....we got a puppy! We've only had him for a couple of days, but he's quite a handful.  He's really smart, but also really rascal.  Every so often, we'll blog about our new puppy! 


  1. absolutely adorable. if you ever need a dog sitter while traveling in chicago feel free to call me (:

  2. Welcome to the family!

    Kimi & Missy

  3. aww he's such a cutie =) congrats!! did you guys adopt him? interesting name!

  4. Thanks Everyone! Our puppy is quite the handful.

    Suraya-Haha. We might actually take you up on that offer! :P

    May-We're thinking about changing his name. His previous owners named him "Ranger" and I wanted to name him Morkie (maltese+yorkie=morkie) It's kind of like naming a dog, "dog", but I ended up getting just a yorkie.

  5. It's okay to give him a new name that you feel fits him better. Missy's original name was Leilani, but she wasn't a Leilani in our books. She was and is our Missy. :)
