Thursday, March 24, 2011

G'nosh Art Studio

A couple of months ago, a few friends and I attended a painting class at G'nosh, a painting studio.
Here's the wall of completed art pieces.  G'nosh offers 1-2 classes a day and you can register for the classes online.  Depending on what kind of artwork you are into (or what you would like hanging on a wall in your house), you can select the class.  A couple that was at the class at the same time as off did something pretty neat. Instead of painting the identical pieces, the girl painting the left half of the image on her canvas and the guy painted the right half of the image on his canvas. 
This is the instructor's finished painting.  We were supposed to strive for something similar to his painting.
Here's the first step of my progress.
The techniques we used for our painting was a "sponge" technique using acrylic paint and "parachutes" of newspaper as our brush.  We then lightly pressed the paint on to the canvas and blended the paints together.  It was kind of neat because we were only given primary colors (red, blue, yellow) paint, but through the dabbing of paint, we blended the colors to make green and orange splotches to that were supposed to resemble water and the sunset.
My finished art piece.

I've concluded that I'm not very girly or artistic. Throughout the class I keep thinking, "how can I finish this piece as fast as possible?"  I also kept thinking, "hmmm... there's a reason why I am studied was probably due to my lack of artistic skills."  My girlfriends who I painted with loved  the experience. They even bought coupons to paint at another studio....I think I'll stick with baking as my hobby. 

G'nosh Richardson
1310 W. Campbell Rd.
Richardson, TX 75080


  1. Do you have a photo of the 2paintings you spoke of? Curious to see how the couple's final composition turned out.

  2. Your painting looks great!
