Monday, January 3, 2011

Hawaii Random Pictures

I just began uploading our pictures from Hawaii. Here are some random shots that I wanted to share with everyone, but these were all so random that I decided to clump them into one post.
Doesn't this kitty look angry (and slightly scary)? This is one of the toys that Mike's cousin's kid got for Christmas.  Personally, I think that the company should have made a friendlier looking kitty.

Filling up the car with gas.  OMG. This is the cheapest grade of gas at a reasonably priced gas station. It's $3.45 a gallon! It took us almost $50 to fill up a tank of gas!

Holiday Traffic.
It seems like a lot of people in Hawaii are wearing this energy band thingie.  When I opened my Christmas present from my sister, lo and behold, Mike and I each received a band. Mike doesn't want to wear his for numerous reasons, I figure that I should just wear this band of silicon with a hologram sticker on it just in case my sister asks me if its working. 
"New" shopping complex in Pearl City.  I guess I've been away from the islands longer than I thought.   Did you know there was a shopping complex above the Sam's Club at Pearl Highlands? It contains a Longs, David's Bridal, Petco and some other stores.  My friend was like, "Uh Lauren, Wal-mart has been here for the past five years!"  We also agreed that this shopping complex has a mainland feel to it. 

The house my parents are building.

Thanks to my American Airline platinum status (thanks to all the trips I took last year), Mike and I had exit row seats on the plane.  This is a picture of my legs extended all the way.  

1 comment:

  1. the Longs in that complex just opened over the summer.
