Monday, November 8, 2010

My Signaure Dish~Guacamole

    A few months ago I asked Mike what my signature dish was and he had a difficult time answering. He took the safe route and answered, "I think you're a better baker than cook."  Gee, thanks Mike. Here's my extra snooty remark, but I think I'm "above average" (at least a B average) in both the cooking and baking department.
    During my stint in culinary school, I felt that my forte was "making leftovers taste good."  In the "Intermediate Cookery" course, we rotated through different stations and the "special of the day" was one of the stations.  This involved creating dishes from the extra ingredients or foods from the "Fundamentals of Cookery" course.  Some days it would be finely diced vegetables, cooked meats, or base sauces.  I thought I excelled in creating dishes on the fly. I once made a "Hawaiian wrap" composed of kaula pork, a poi sauce, spinach, wrapped and grilled in a spinach tortilla with a lomi salmon-type salsa. 
  I'm sure Mike was sweating as I pressured him to answer my question, and the first answer that came to his mind was, "Guacamole. You make a mean guacamole." I had to hang my head and shake it in failure. What kind of wife am I?  I feed my husband good tasting guacamole. I only started making guacamole since we moved to Texas last year and avocados go on sale for 3/$1, instead of one for $1 in Illinois. 
 Yes, so according to Mike, my signature dish is a dish that always tastes different because I do not use a recipe.
Here are the ingredients to my "signature" dish:
Ripe Avocados
Finely chopped Onions
Finely chopped Garlic
Finely chopped Tomato
Finely chopped Cilantro
Juice of a lime (I like a lot of lime juice in my guac)
Salt, Pepper, Tabasco to taste

    Mike's a pretty good cook and I'm lucky to have a husband who likes spending time in the kitchen.  It's especially wonderful when I come home late from work and dinner is waiting for me.  It was easy for me to choose Mike's signature dish.  It's a good local-style fried rice.   He also makes a good spicy garlic edamame. 

What are y'alls signature dish?


  1. my guac is pretty similar, but i like to add a couple jalapeno or serrano peppers.
    as for a signature dish, i often throw together some mean vegetarian stew things. i don't really know what to call them but basically start with onion/carrot/celery, add other veggies, usually some quinoa, greens and beans and seasonings. it's so good, people forget its really healthy! :)

  2. i'm known for my caramel heath brownies and breakfast scrambles. yummy.

  3. It's hard to say what my signature dish is. I'm sure if I asked my boyfriend he would probably reply with either Kim Chee fried rice or a simple BLT w/avocado and homemade cilantro mayo. Recently though, I experimented with spam musubi by adding cucumber & a little ume paste inside-his new favorite.

  4. me,me,me-a vegetarian stew sounds good! I love using quinoa, although Mike's not a fan of it when I cook it.

    Suraya-cara,el heath brownies sound great! I somtimes eat those heath bits straight from the bag!

    Melissa-thanks for visiting my blog. After reading your comment, I thought, "This girl has to be from Hawaii!" mmm..everything you listed sounds good! Ume paste in spam musubi sounds good! My mom's friend used to make this spam musubi for us when we were young. It was filled with an egg omelette, furikake, that nori paste thing in a jar, and spam. it was huge!

  5. If I show up without my salsa, heads roll. Just your standard tomato, onion, fresh garlic, a LOT of cilantro, cumin, salt, and--the key ingredient--a tablespoon or two of chipotle sauce. It's the smoky flavor that gets 'em going!

    Another oft-requested is black bean salsa: black beans, red beans, corn, red onion, tomato, cilantro, garlic, cumin, and 3-4 Tablespoons of lime juice, 2 Tablespoons olive oil, 1 Tablespoon red wine vinegar.
    Salt & pepper to taste

  6. Gnightgirl-Hi!Mmm....cumin and chipotle sauce in salsa. I'll have to try that. It sounds like that salsa will have a nice spicy flavor to it.
    Your black bean salsa sounds delicious too. I make a similar salsa except I put in cubed avocado and do not use red beans.I think I'll try your recipe at our upcoming event at our house.

  7. my mike says my signature dish is like Salisbury steak or something!
