Thursday, August 5, 2010

Restaurant Week...dun dun dun

Wow, I am just starting to realize just how frequently Mike and I eat out here. It's so difficult to keep up with the blog posts of all the restaurants that we visit. Personally, I enjoy eating at home more than eating out, and in a given week, we eat out about once a week or less. I think we end up eating out often because of group gatherings (which are usually fun even without the food).
But, in the month of August, Mike and I will be stepping up our game and checking out some high-end restaurants during "KRLD Restaurant Week" in Dallas.  Restaurant Week is a week (or more) when participating restaurants serve 3-course meals for $35.  The purpose of Restaurant Week is to support the North Texas Food Bank.  There is still time to make reservations at some of the participating restaurants. I found this link to be the most useful in planning our schedule and selecting which restaurants we wanted to attend.
 You may have to make a reservation later in the evening or settle for one in the middle of the week.  Also when calling for reservations, some restaurants request that you mention that you are making reservation for restaurant week. 

So which restaurants will Mike and I be visiting?  Stephen Pyles, Loft 610 (Tre Wilcox from Top Chef is the executive chef ), Nobu, Tim Love's Lonesome Dove, and Fearings.

Yes, we'll be eating a lot during the month of August.  Hopefully the 8-10 miles I run/walk and the two spin classes I take each week will minimize the poundage I may gain. 


  1. wow you really must be in shape! I should really do more too! I only go about 3 miles a day.

  2. re:k and s comment
    I think she meant total for the week.
