Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ice Cream Experiment

Mike was gone for a couple of weeks for a training, so this is how I entertained myself.
A bunch of ice cream was on sale at our neighborhood Kroger, so I decided to try two soy ice creams and an organic ice cream.   I ended up picking up a rice milk ice cream a few days later. 
The organic ice cream tastes like regular ice cream (I wasn't expecting much of a difference). The soy ice cream was good-almost like frozen silk vanilla soymilk, but you could definitely tell the difference between the soy ice cream and regular ice cream.  The rice  milk ice cream wasn't so good.  It had a more icy texture. 

I'm currently in the Boston airport waiting for my flight back to Dallas. Then I'm off to Kansas for a week.  Hmm....I wonder what Mike will blog about when I'm gone. 


  1. interesting experiment! wow, you guys are jet setting all over the place!

  2. kat-yeah, it was definitely an interesting experiment. yup, we've been traveling a lot this year.
