Friday, June 11, 2010

Hawaii Restaurants~Kanpai Bar and Grill

I had read a lot about Kanpai Bar and Grill while perusing the local newspapers and blogs, so a bunch of my friends and I went there on a Friday night. I was a little disappointed with the taste of the food, but when you're amongst good company, the food is secondary.
 Fried Rice

French Fries

Karaage Chicken (I think it was karaage chicken)

Fried Noodles

Kanpai Bar and Grill was crowded and bustling with energy all night from about 6:30pm until when we left after 11pm.

Here's my summary of the place. 
-we had made reservations, but we never got our table (another party had started at 2:30pm and hadn't left by 7:00pm)
+the waiter(?) gave us a free round of drinks because we didn't have a table.

 -the waitress lost my credit card that she had collected to start a tab on

(my friend eventually found my card- it was clipped onto another bill and card)
-the wait staff keeps your credit card when you start a tab until you close it out

Still I'd recommend Kanpai Bar and Grill as a nice place to chillax with friends. I'd just be cautious about letting the waitstaff keep your credit card.  Just don't start a tab. 

Kanpai Bar and Grill
404 Ward Ave (where Dixie Grill used to be)
Honolulu, HI 96814


  1. aw too bad you didn't like the food. that was really bad service though!

  2. kat-even though i had a good time that night, the fact that my credit card was almost lost put a damper on the evening.

  3. the thing about your credit card is so scary!
