Friday, May 14, 2010

Itty Bitty Chocolate Chip Cookies

*This is a "back-post"-Mike and I are currently stuck at the DFW airport, waiting to see when our flight will take off. So far, it's been delayed for more than 4 hours because of mechanical malfunctions...hopefully we'll be able to catch another connecting flight to Kauai once we land in Honolulu*

This year, I made it a goal to try out at least one new recipe every two months. So, I went to the local public library and checked out Sherry Yard's "Desserts by the Yard." Sherry Yard is the pastry chef for Wolfgang Puck and has been creating the Oscar's desserts for a few years. 
A lot of Sherry's recipes seemed elaborate for a novice baker, and for the lazy baker in me, there were too many techniques (too many dishes to wash).  So i decided to try one of her easier recipes, which was her Quintessential Chocolate Chip Cookies. 
Sherry Yard's recipe called for high quality chocolate like valrhona chocolate. I didn't have valrhona chocolate, so I used this mini chocolate chips.  Since I was using mini chocolate, I thought, "why don't I make mini cookies?"
I used the quarter teaspoon to measure out the dough and made about a bagillion (I know that's not a real word) cookies.  I really liked how these cookies came out.  The dough to chocolate ratio is almost 50:50, so it was almost as if there was just enough dough to hold the chocolate chips together.  I baked them until they were a toasty brown color and had a hard crisp bite.  I was reading an article the other day and it said that people from Hawaii like crunchy cookies, while people on the mainland like softer chewier cookies. I'm not sure if that is true or not, but I guess you can say I made a cookie with a "Hawaii" texture. 
This cookie recipe will be making it into my "recipe book" of recipes.


  1. "bagillion" is a very acceptable baking term when you've scooped your right bicep to match popeye's. i enjoyed the hawaiian texture comment.

  2. Lauren,
    I've baked with Sherry Yard! (haha, my one claim to culinary fame) I'll have to try these. Have fun in Hawaii! I missed you at graduation.

  3. Thank Suraya. I guess i cannot use bagillion yet b/c i don't have a super huger right bicep from cookie scooping. so, was my statement true? mainlanders like softer cookies?

    Chou-aww. that's right graduation occured. :( You're so lucky that you got to bake with Sherry Yard. After reading the sections prior to her recipes, it seemed like she's a nice person. Just like reading that Rick Bayless book you gave me. Reading the text leads me to believe that Rick is a genuinely nice guy.
