Thursday, April 29, 2010

Simple Quick Dinner~Tofu Salad

Now with Mike and me working long hours every day, cooking is not as high a priority for us.  We end up eating quick meals a few times a week, frozen food once a week, and eating out once a week. I was fortunate to grow up in a home where my family ate home-cooked meals together at the dinner table with the TV turned off.  We always had a salad or some kind of fresh vegetable and for the most part ate healthy meals. That's why I crinkle my nose in disgust after I succumbed to the fact that the lack of time means that Mike sometimes eats lunchables and I eat lean cuisines or hot pockets for lunch. 
This is my attempt in making a healthy meal.
I put this together the other night and Mike was sweet and told me that this dish was pretty enough to serve at a party.  We ate this salad with the enoki mushroom and seaweed soup from the previous post. 

1 cucumber-thinly sliced
1 block soft tofu
1 can kogai-ajitsuke clams (in a sweet soy sauce)-do not drain
chopped green onion for garnish (optional)
soy sauce (optional for those who like more flavor)

Stack all the ingredients on top of each other and serve. 


  1. Lauren,
    I will have to look for the kogia-ajitsuke clams. That salad does look good.

  2. Tien-Hi! These clams are good! You might even want to try them straight out of the can. I also have a clam dip recipe using these clams.
