Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Calling me out...of hiding

This post is dedicated to Ms. Kendell. A few days ago she called me out about my lack of blog posts and called me a "post blogger." Yes, I take A LOT of pictures and end up blogging about the events MONTHS after they occur and by the time I blog; I've forgotten what the food tasted like.  So, it saddens me to do this, but those pictures will just be lost and I'll be starting fresh with new pictures and hopefully current posts. 

 I don't want to bore you with the details or excuses for the lack of blogging.  My google reader has also been neglected and I haven't been able to catch up on reading my favorite blogs. 

March was just a really busy month..  I'll sum it up in one long sentence:  went on my 5th work trip of the year, am now a gold member on American Airlines, got really sick and lost my voice for a week, in-laws visited, bought a new car, friend from home visited, hello allergy season, and am now nursing an eye infection. 

So stay tuned for more food posts. Just so that I do not cheat on the posts, expect to see posts about Beef Bourguignon (I plan to make this in the upcoming weeks) and I'll be checking out The Grape's burger in Dallas this weekend. 

*I had a picture of a blood orange that I segmented a while ago and thought that this post needed an image.  How's that for randomness?


  1. sorry for the lack of comments, but i do read your blog, too. :) i enjoy reading about your food adventures, but take some time to relax too. i can't believe you went on your 5th work trip of the year! it sounds so fun and exciting, but i'm sure you're busy doing hard work, too. so happy that you're actually at your dream job. :)

  2. K&S-I'm trying to keep up with the blogging, but it's been tough.

    Shayna-Hey! still read my blog! whoo-hoo. yeah, work has been crazy. from next week until july i have at least 5 more work trips in the plans. plus i'll be back home in hawaii in a couple of weeks. (i emailed you about this).
