Monday, January 4, 2010

2009 Recap

Happy New Year everyone! Can you believe how quickly the year passed by?
Mike's friend Matt posted a blog entry recapping his 2009. I thought I'd copy his entry and post about the highlights of 2009. It was a pretty eventful year, so I'm excited to see what is in store for 2010.

*Started 2009 off with ozoni soup (no ozoni soup in 2010. I couldn't find mizuna in Texas, so we just ate fried mochi).
*Finished grad school and received my Ph.D, and submitted research for publication.
*Traveled back home to Hawaii twice in one year!
*Bought a new car!
*Attended one of my best friends wedding in Las Vegas.
*Three close friends got engaged!
*Mike and I celebrated our one year anniversary.
*Mike and I traveled to Rome, Florence, and Venice.
*Moved to Texas...and am finally living in the same place as Mike.
*Started a new job that I really enjoy.

So what are the plans for 2010?
At the moment, these are Mike and my tentative plans.
*Train to run a race...not a marathon or anything, but something small and less than 10 miles.
*Buy another car. At the moment we are a single car family.
*Take more culinary courses at a community college...if my work schedule allows for it.

What are your highlights from 2009 and what are your plans for 2010?


  1. No ozoni for me this year. :(

    Congratulations on receiving your Ph.D! Your year was filled with a lot of good things!

  2. It's good to know Florence was one of the best things of the past year.

    I am looking for some videos about Tuscany to share in my Youtube channel (that's how I found you blog!)

    If you have something about Tuscany, let me know.

    Happy 2010!

