Saturday, November 14, 2009

Italy~Day 1, Rome

I finally had a chance to sit down and review all the pictures I took in Italy, Hawaii, and Las Vegas and I cannot wait to share all the pictures with all of you. I've just completed my fourth week of work (did I mention that I love my job?) and am only now sitting down to blog about our trip to Italy. I have to learn how to manage my time so that I can squeeze in time to blog at least once a week.

Here's a picture of the Colosseum in Rome. Isn't it magnificent? You read about it in history classes (or see it in "The Gladiator"), but when you see it with your own eyes, you cannot help but wonder how the ancient Romans built these amazing structures.
Here's a picture of Mike and me so you have proof that we were actually in the Colosseum. We did not wear matching clothes during our whole trip. We just randomly packed the same shirt and decided to wear the same shirt on our first day in Rome.
Mike's Italy Tip #1, if you want to check out the Colosseum, buy your tickets at the Roman Forum, and you will save at least 30 minutes wait time.

Lauren's Italy Tip #1, pack snacks so that you do not have to buy food at the snack kiosks near tourist areas.
We bought a salami sandwich and pistachio gelato from a kiosk near the Colosseum. Big mistake. We were hungry, so we stopped for a snack, but it just was not as tasty as other foods we ate during the rest of our trip.
Mike will be taking the lead in blogging about our trip to Italy, so stay tuned for his commentary. In the next couple of weeks I'll be focusing on our game plan for "Black Friday" shopping and be traveling for work.


  1. great tips, can't wait to hear about the rest of the trip!

  2. Ooh, black friday game plans! ;) Ben said the best food he had in Italy was all street food. Too bad about the kiosk sandwhich.
