Thursday, September 10, 2009


Sorry for the lack of posts. It's been a busy couple of weeks. Did I mention...

*I defended my dissertation and passed.
*Dropped off my dissertation to the thesis office it's official, I'm done with school! ~*~woot woot~*~
*Been cleaning and packing up my apartment for the past few days. It's amazing how much stuff you can accumulate in 4 years!

*Flying to Vegas on Saturday (2 days from now) to hang out with my sister and to attend a friend's wedding (get this, she planned it so that she and guests could attend the UH game against UNLV).
*Flying from Vegas to Hawaii~send me an email if you want to hang out in Hawaii
*Flying from Hawaii back to Illinois to clean up my apartment and move out.

My sister has already emailed me an itinerary for my trip to Las Vegas and its filled with LOTS of restaurants. I will try to blog about them, but I'll be on vacation and enjoying my new found FREEEEEDDDOOOOMMM!


  1. so cool, congratulations! rest up and PLAY HARD!

  2. tell your mom to come and clean up...:)

  3. thanks kat! i feel like i haven't been able to really "play" for a long time.
    anon-haha. no, my mom is too buzy with everything, and she doesn't deserve the punishment of cleaning up my mess. :P

  4. Congratulations! Glad to hear that you will get to miss the upcoming IL winter.

    Have fun in Vegas. If you get a chance, try the Bobby Flay restaurant in Caesars. They have a mean Ribeye there. I'm leaving (next) Friday for Vegas to see the game and experience the 9th island.

    Alan from Makiki


    Let me know when you will be arriving in Dallas! I will be waiting very excited!

    ps...we already planned a uiuc welcome lunch for you!

  6. L-Hooray! I am so happy for you! You are an inspiration--I hope I can finish my PhD as efficiently as you did yours. Thank you so much for taking the time to play with me amidst the madness. I feel loved. :)

  7. thanks alan, kendell, and christy!
    Alan-i'll mention the restaurant to my sister and see if we have time to check it out.
    Kendell-yay! a uiuc lunch. oh and i think i arrive in TX when you're in IL.

    Chou-I loved hanging out with you last week! I'm still thinking about the pear sorbet. mmmm....

  8. Congratulations Lauren, that's so great!! I hope you have an awesome fun trip to Vegas! :)
