Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Prairie Fruit Farm Dinners

Prairie Fruit Farms Dinners are posted now!!!
Last year Erika, Aaron, Mike and I enjoyed ourselves at a Dinner on the Farm. If you want to check out our dinner, look at this previous post. Hopefully we will be able to snag a few seats for one of the dinners this summer.
If you have the cash (the dinners range from $45-100 a person), you should definitely check out Prairie Fruit Farms for dinner. All ingredients are grown/raised from local farms, so it's a great way to support local farmers.

Also, if you're interested in checking out the cute goats or purchasing Prairie Farm cheese, they are having a open house on Saturday, March 21st from 9-12noon. Not only will they be selling their goat cheeses, you'll be able to purchase produce, bread, and eggs from farmers that are usually at the Urbana Farmer's Market.


  1. Amazing -- your post just came to me via Google alerts, and I saw it within the same hour that I learned of Dinners on the Farm and Prairie Fruits Farm, as I am planning on traveling through Champaign in a month. I'm speaking at the U of I Urbana on the 23rd about my travels while writing Twinkie, Deconstructed, which I gather you are now reading -- I hope you enjoy it!

    I am not yet sure about my visit to the university but I expect to poke around. Maybe I'll see you there.

    Steve Ettlinger

  2. Wow...I cannot believe the author of the book that I am currently reading posted a comment on my blog! That's amazing! The book has been a pretty good read thus far.
    Let me know when you'll be in Urbana. I'm sure that I and some other Food Science students will try to attend it.

  3. No. Way. Steve Ettlinger posted on your blog!? That rocks. I read Twinkie Deconstructed while doing jury duty last year. Here's a virtual "you're so cool!"
