Saturday, December 13, 2008

Prairie Fruit Farms Dinner

On the Sunday after our 24-24-24 feat, we attended Dinner on the Farm at Prairie Fruit Farms. I've been meaning to post about this experience for a while, but was blogged out after the 24 meals in 24-hour post from that weekend. I had been looking forward to this dinner for a while and was fortunate enough to nab some highly sought after seats to the event. I first read about it on Champaign Taste and quickly emailed Leslie Cooperfield (the owner of Prairie Fruit Farms) asking for seats. She was sold out, but a few days later I found out there was space available.
I've heard the dinners are AMAZING and everything is just wonderful . All the dishes are prepared by Alisa DeMarco and are made from locally produced meats and produce.
Homemade warm apple cider. I think Mike drank more than his share.
Moore Family Fresh Deviled Eggs
Prairie Fruit Farm Roasted Organic Red Beet Bruschetta with goat's milk Ricotta Salata and mint
Miniature Biscuits with Triple S Farms Ham and Prairie Fruits Farm Pepper JellyThe cute goats at the farm. There are over 50 goats there and they all have nametags. How cute is that? Leslie and Wes treat their goats well and almost like their pets. No wonder their goat cheeses taste great. Happy goats-->good goat milk-->tasty goat cheese?
Mike and I attended this event with A. and E. They were both troopers too, because they had joined us for some of the restaurants the day/night before during our 24-hour food event.

Moore Family Farm French pumpkin soup with Toasted Curry Cream
Blue Moon Farm Organic Green Salad, warmed fresh Chevre croquette, edible flowers and house-dried Juliet tomatoes
Triple S Farms Roasted Porchetta with Fennel and Sausage
Prairie Fruits Farm Organic Apple Sauce, Three Sisters Garden Flageolet Beans with Herbs
Prairie Fruits Farm Cheese Board
Honeyed Carrot Cake with Goat Cheese Frosting

If you ever are in Champaign, IL during the late Spring to Fall months (May-October), definitely check out Prairie Fruit Farms.


  1. everything looks so tasty, I don't think I've ever tried goat cheese. Should look for some around here :)

  2. I'm so glad you got to one of these dinners, too! Yours looks amazing; wish I had some of that porchetta right now. Well, some of everything, actually. I want to try one again next year.

  3. What an interesting event, looks like lots of fun!

  4. Kat-I wasn't a fan of goat cheese until last year when I first tried it from Prairie Fruit Farms. Now I cannot get enough of it!

    Lisa-The dinner was tasty! Thanks for blogging about the event. I would not have known about it otherwise.

    Lori-It was a lot of fun! Hopefully I'll be able to enjoy another one before I leave Champaign.
