Monday, September 29, 2008

Wedding Pictures!

Yay! We finally received our professional wedding pictures! You know what this means? We'll finally be able to send out our thank you cards. We actually wrote them all by the end of August, but have been waiting for the pictures to come in to add it to the thank you cards.

This picture gives you a glimpse into our wedding. Yes, there were sock puppets there! I didn't know this was happening, but it was quite funny.

Here's a pictures of my "bestest" girlfriends in the whole wide world! I've known all of them for at least half of my life). Can you guess which one is my sister? I'll give you a hint, she's the only one that was not in marching band and instead was on the field as a cheerleader. (I guess that means I'm suggesting that marching band people have a "look"?)I'm trying to figure out where I should upload the pictures so that I can send a link to people who have been asking about pictures for a while. I'll get around to this later on in October.


  1. beautiful pictures...I didn't know band people had a "look"...I guess I may have it too...

  2. thanks kat!
    no, band people do not have a "look" but somehow when people met me they could sense i had been in band...

  3. Yay pictures! People don't believe I was in marching band. Maybe because I only did it for a year?

  4. Diana-Were you in marching band? Was it in freshman year? I remember you played the clarinet in concert band...
