Saturday, October 4, 2008

Present to Myself~ Brigitte-Keks Cookie Cutter

A few months ago, I saw a Brigette-Keks cookie cutter on Tartlette's blog. I fell in love with the cute cookie cutter and thoughts and images of personalized cookies consumed my thoughts. It would be the perfect favor at parties, a innovative personalized gift, or just a cute cookie to enjoy.
After scouring the internet, I finally found a site where you could purchase it. If you want to purchase one for yourself, the only place I've found it online is on Ebay. With shipping to the US, it costs about $22. Yes, that's quite steep for a tiny cookie cutter, but I rationalized my purchase by telling myself that it was cheaper than flying to Germany.The instructions were all in German so I looked at the pictures to figure it out. I think the most letters that fit in a row are 10 without any spaces. It's a bit tedious to slide in each letter, and you have to double check your work to make sure your letters are not upside down or reserved when sliding them in. Looking at the pictures, I think you can use the cutter to just stamp letters into dough without having to use the scallop-edged cutter.

Initially, I was having problems with the cookie cutter and almost cursed myself for being this treat for myself. I like really crispy cookies, so I was rolling my dough out then, and the words were not showing up. I succumbed to making thicker cookies, and voila, I had stamped them!

Isn't this exciting? I cannot wait to make personalized cookies!


  1. Those are SO cute! I love that you made them Genki Tummy cookies! What a great idea! (and don't feel bad for buying fun little treats like that...I just bought myself foodie tattoos, if you can believe that. We're all food geeks out here ;)

  2. that is so cute! reminds me of when I took graphic arts in high school, we had to set type...frustrating at times!!

  3. I love that! Hmmmm, how can I work it into our budget?

  4. michelle- thanks for making me feel good about my purchase. foodie tattoos? what are those? now i'm curious...

    kat-oh you took graphics in high school? neat, yeah, you definitely have to rethink the letters so things end up being spelled correctly.

    diana-yeah, cute cookies cutters were not in my budget, but i've been bringing lunch from home a lot.

  5. the most fun part of graphic arts was doing silk screening, cutting out the designs were hard but worth it in the end :)

  6. Achk! I'm so excited about this! I can't wait to eat my own genkitummy cookies. BTW, what does genki mean?

  7. How cool! You could use that as a homemade "gift tag" when giving baked goods to people! I love it :)

  8. kat-ohh, i remember silk-screen and exacto knifing a print out and then leaving it out in the sunlight to make a screen.

    c-"genki" means "healthy" so after i can up with the name, my mom was like, "why'd you call your blog "healthy" you don't always eat healthy.

    rigby-what a great idea! i could make cookies with a person's name on it, but it in a see-through bag, tie it with a ribbon and hang it from a gift bag!

  9. After scouring the internet and eBay, found them here in Toronto for abt USD10! Such a lot of fun to use!

  10. Chris,
    thanks for letting me know! that's so much cheaper! too bad you cannot buy it online for that cheap.

  11. Oh man! Its too bad Chris doesnt have an email or a blog that I can click on. I am going up to Toronto and would love to find one of these.

    If not I will try your route with ebay. Thank you. I feel in love witht he stamp too.
