Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Brothers~ 10 cents chicken wings!

$5 for 50 chicken wings. How does that sound to you? If you said "awesome," then you would be correct. At $.10 a wing, it is hard to beat this bar food special. When you compound it with the $1 beers, it's downright untouchable. Lauren (best wife ever! she doesn't even like wings!) and I went here for a date last week. We went 1 hour early, and played Nintendo DS together while everyone looked at us like we were complete dorks. I guess that's one advantage to being short and Asian....everyone already expects you to be a dork, so it's okay when you are. Hey, I didn't make the stereotypes, I don't like the stereotypes, but I'll use them to my advantage when I can :). I had a Miller High Life, and she had a cherry fish-bowl so at least we fit in a little.
There were 4 wing flavors: Hawaiian Barbecue, Original, Parmesan Garlic, and Red Hot Ass-Burner. We got a some of everything. The Hawaiian Barbecue and Red Hot Ass-Burner were the best. The other two were average, and tasted almost the same. None were outstanding, but for $.10, who's complaining? None of these wings were very spicy. The Red Hot Ass-Burner wings were about 2/3 as spicy as the normal buffalo wings at Chile's.

All-in-all, it was a great experience. Lauren's labmate showed up later to help us eat the wings. Lauren and I had tried to come here a few times earlier, but the line was too long. Well, it didn't look long until the guy in front of us ordered 600 wings. Anyway, this time we got there an hour early and were first in line. For the price, definitely worth the wait!

How much would I pay?

Mike: $.20 a wing. They're pretty small. That was, $5 can get you 25, which is a pretty good bar snack (not enough for a meal)
Lauren: N/A, I don't eat chicken wings. I must really love Mike to go to a bar to go eat a dinner consisting of chicken wings!

Brothers Bar and Grill
613 E. Green St
Urbana IL, 61801


  1. man, do I miss college bars ... There were Wednesday and Thursday specials at Crossroads (true, it shares it's name with a Brittney Spears movie ... maybe that's why we just called it 'roads) including free pizza with a pitcher ($5 for PBR) and free wings night (they'd just lay out a tray and let you go for it). Ah, sweet memories of free/cheap food and drink.

  2. Lauren got a FISHBOWL! That must have been one wild night....

    ps. I miss brothers..

  3. That's so funny! Eric and I went to a Mariners game on Thursday night, they have a cool interactive thing you can do with your DS, so we spent most of the game looking like dorks too! We knew they wouldn't win anyway :(

  4. keane-no wonder you and mike are friends. mike's totally into this cheap food thing. i don't think he really likes chicken wings, i think he likes the fact that they are 10 cents.

    kendell-you know me and alcohol (although i told the bartender to make it taste like juice). you think i drank that thing? mike ended up drinking most of it.

    diana-hahaha! that's so funny. now i don't feel so bad that others play their nintendo DS at other events.
