Sunday, August 24, 2008

wedding notes

I'm currently taking a break from writing wedding thank you notes. You cannot imagine how many times my hand has cramped up while writing these things.

Here's my notes for future brides:
1. Pace yourself. Set goals to complete XX notes per day. Our other goal is to complete all the thank-you notes by the end of August.
2. Invest in some really good pens that do not smear. I'm currently using a black zebra 0.5 Sarasa pen (my current favorite pen at the moment). Mike is using the new Uniball Signa pen.
3. Split the task between both you and your husband. It makes the task much more manageable. Plus it's a fun bonding experience for the both of you.
4. College note-taking comes in really handy when writing these notes. I used to furiously scribble notes in college, Mike rarely took notes. I think my notes/hour rate is much greater than his.
5. Mail this thank-yous out as soon as you can. We're aiming to mail them out by the end of September. Our rate-determining step is that our photographer went on vacation, so we won't receive our wedding pictures until mid-September.

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