Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New Orleans Part 5~Cafe Du Monde

Cafe Du Monde is by far my favorite restaurant that I visited while in New Orleans!
They only serve beignets and beverages there, but those beignets were AMAZING!

I was advised to not wear dark colors to Cafe Du Monde, but forgot to heed this advice. Look at all that wonderful goodness with heaps of powdered sugar!

Cafe Du Monde is also famous for their Chicory coffee. I don't drink coffee, but I bought a tin for my parents to try. The history behind chicory mixed with coffee was that in the late 1970's chicory was used as a coffee substitute because an embargo was put on coffee.
I looked up information on chicory and it's leaf chicory is also called endive and what is sometimes used in salad. Chicory root also contains inulin (which is a fiber source) and is the key ingredient in those delicious Fiber One bars with over 9 grams of fiber per bar.

We finagled ourselves some cute hats and took a picture after our tummies were filled with those fattening yummy beignets!


  1. we have some cafe du monde here, not as great as having beignets in New Orleans, but still a nice way to get some beignets :)

  2. If your parents like the coffee you got them, they can get some more down in China Town when they run out. It's my dad's favorite coffee. :)

  3. I love cafe du monde there! Their chicory coffee and beignets are soooo good we brought home mixes for both! I have still never been able to replicate the coffee, even with the coffee in a tin! And oh, the beignets! Its been so fun living vicariously through your trip there - like a trip back in time!

  4. kat-
    there's a cafe du monde in japan? that's so neat! I'm sure they taste just as good there!

    thanks for the tip. i'll be sure to let my parents know. my dad owns a store in downtown so my mom walks down to chinatown every so often.

    too bad i hadn't met you prior to my trip. i could have asked you for advice on the places to eat! i have one more nola post and then that's the end of my food adventures in new orleans.

  5. A)no that salad is not on my blog and I haven't decided if I am going to put it up or not. But I can send you the recipe it is super simple.

    B) I am surprised you didn't like Creole/Cajun food (there is a difference too, one is the sophisticated version of the other though I forget which one is which)

    C)I still haven't seen you, sad

    D)I am checking on that price, for some reason the system won't let me login to check prices

    E)I just wanted to add an E

  6. razzie,
    i saw you the other day! whoo-hoo. also i was lucky to enjoy a piece of your guinness chocolate cake! whoo-hoo again!
