Friday, July 4, 2008

back in champaign, spam contest

(This is a picture of my grocery shopping and suitcase exploded on the floor. )
We finally arrived back in Champaign and boy am I tired! I will post pictures of my New Orleans experience in a few days. I have to do a few loads of laundry, organize my research and life, and then will post.
UIUC did quite well at the conference. Joey, the undergrad in our lab took first place in the undergrad oral competition; Alyssa placed first in the food micro poster competition; I somehow managed to place first in the sensory evaluation division's oral competition; and our Product Development team placed 2nd with our "Dream Pie Bars."

The most exciting news that I can't wait to blog about is the Spam contest that occurred last weekend in Hawaii. My friend Shayna won the competition! That is soooo amazing! Click here for the article in the Honolulu Advertiser. Shayna entered a spam mochi rice and won first place. And first place is an all-expensive paid trip for two to Las Vegas!
Shayna is a wonderful person and always so positive and smiley all the time. During and after college we would have double and triple date nights which were sooo fun! If you talk to her about one of our date nights, she'd probably bring up the time Ron and I started ice cream straight from the carton while she went to get bowls. Yes, she was very upset that we contaminated the carton. good times, good times.
This photo was taken from the Honolulu Advertiser online. PHOTOS BY FL MORRIS / FMORRIS@STARBULLETIN.COM


  1. that is so cool, for both of you :) way to go!

  2. Congrats on your 1st place Lauren!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. wow, first place in an oral exam! that's super impressive! can't wait to read about the details of the competition. :)
    thanks for blogging about the spam contest and for your sweet words! i was super lucky, but i had such fun with the contest and book signing last week! so much more fun than legal work! :)

  5. kat, lori, and shayna-
    thanks for the well wishes! i think my advisor was surprised i had secured the first place too. :)

    shayna, i talked to my mom and she told me she saw you in the paper and was going to try your recipe!
    oh and if you ever want to quit your day job and if my future as a prof doesn't pan out...we can open up a cafe/omiyage place that also sells healthy fiber muffins.

  6. BTW, Woot! You rock! I was so happy to hear via the grapevine that you won.
