Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sometimes you just have to chop your thumb....

Lettuce & Knife:1 Lauren:0

This is a pretty picture of my thumb. Believe me, 5 hours ago it was not a pretty sight. It bled for at least five minutes while I compressed it with a gauze and held my hand above my head. I'd say this was one of the worse beatings I've gone through while cooking. Well, besides the time I cut myself during the timed event of deconstructing a chicken during a culinary school exam (my ego was bruised more than my finger). Yes, my neighbors could probably hear me cussing and I rarely swear.
While nursing my wound and feeling my pulse in my finger, I realized that my blogs lack the scientific finesse that I initially wanted to incorporate into my blogs. I was doe-eyed and ready to conquer the blogging world with my insight and wanted to be the next Harold McGee. So from now on, I'll incorporate more food science into my blogs. I'll write more about why it is wiser to always use a sharp knife rather than a blunt knife, why cakes do not rise, etc.


  1. ouch, kitchen accidents can be a pain.

    Btw, i enjoyed the natto. I also love eating it over rice or in sushi rolls.

  2. ouch! I once did something similar but with a steak knife. my husband poured makiracomb (SP?) the red stuff on it and got bawled out by the emergency staff. hope it heals fast!

  3. Ouch ouch. I'm glad you got off easy.

  4. aww, thanks for the support. this will remind me to be more careful in the kitchen.
