Sunday, April 6, 2008

Breakfast Date Challenge-"Egg McMuffin"

My boyfriend suggested we have a breakfast cooking date. He said he'd call me at 9am my time (4am Hawaii time) to cook. Breakfast is the one meal that I hate to miss. So long story short, I cooked at 9am(CT), and after I ate my food, I called him and he started cooking at 5:30am. He's not a morning person, so I figured he'd need the extra sleep time to compete.

The only criteria for the challenge was to make an english muffin sandwich containing an egg.
My creation...homemade black bean hummus (black beans, chipotle, garlic, and salt) on a toasted english muffin, fried over easy egg, tomato slices, lettuce, turkey bacon, salt and pepper.

His creation...bacon, cheese (kraft singles), lettuce, and tomato....his special sauce: mayonnaise, chipotle, honey, paprika, and minced garlic.
He went to the store to purchase ingredients and assumed he had eggs at home. he was disqualified because he failed to meet the egg criteria. i told him to use tofu to substitute the eggs, but he thought i was sabotaging his sandwich.

1 comment:

  1. Ben and I are laughing our heads off over M's missing egg! Hah! Great date idea. You rock!
